I did it. Yes, that's right. I did it because it was even a little fun. Don't tell anyone I said that though...
To my knowledge, only a half dozen people or so have tagged me in their "25 random things" notes, but there may have been more.
It's amazing the facts you can come up with over the course of a major sporting event when you don't have a television.
enjoy. I know I did.
25 very specific things about Moe:
1. I used to write. A lot. And I used to really really love it. I have hundreds of blog entries posted over the course of nearly five years, ranging in topic from the significant to the mundane. It makes me sad that I don't still write all too often.
I don't even really have an explanation for it - which almost makes me more sad.
2. I have five nieces and one nephew that I am positively in love with. Every time I hear them call my name it makes my heart skip a beat or two. They nearly make me want to have children of my own one day.
3. I'm afraid that fear is the only thing that keeps me from wanting to have children of my own someday.
4. One day, when I was thirteen or fourteen, I decided that I really didn't like eating meat. By default, I kind of became a vegetarian - the only problem with that is that I didn't really eat vegetables. I was more of a pastatarian. Sometime around age 20, my palate changed a bit and I began adding meat back into my diet. It's still a work in progress. I really just consider myself a recovering vegetarian. I don't always realize it, but sometimes I still go several days without eating any meat subconsciously.
5. I danced ballet for thirteen years (seriously - from age 8 to age 21) and somehow managed to almost never have to wear a tutu.
6. Shhhh... don't tell anyone, but I really miss dancing ballet on a weekly basis.
7. I'm a bad facebook friend, but consider myself to be a fairly decent face-to-face friend.
8. I once caught the woods near my house on fire when I was 6 or 7. I tried to start a small, contained fire as I'd seen my older brother do numerous times before. When it got out of control, I ran back to my house, tossed the book of matches into a shrub, and yelled to my family that there was a fire. A neighbor saw it and called the cops, who promptly came to investigate. I lied to the police when questioned about the blaze, and I'm sure they took my testimony with a grain of salt. Officer Campbell soooo knew that I was lying. He is still on the police force in the town I grew up in and every now and again I consider taking myself in to confess.
9. I play the piano and sing better than I would ever confess to anyone in person.
10. I know what an octothorpe is, and am willing to bet that you don't.
11. I have every edition of the Guinness Book of world Records since 1991. I haven't even cracked the cover on any of them since about the 1997 or 1998 edition. My mother (God love her) just keeps buying me one every year and I don't exactly know why.
12. I can ride a unicycle.
13. No, really. I can.
14. Words such as "befuddle", "impeccable", and "disheveled" were in my vernacular by age six (read: I'm very likely the biggest nerd you'll ever meet).
15. I was once nearly decapitated by a falling window in a third-world country -- and I have the scars to prove it.
16. I have an older brother and sister as well as a younger brother and sister -- and while people sometimes tend to feel sorry for me because I am the middle child, I secretly love every second of it.
17. I'm going to be 30 next year (no, not 29 again) and I'm actually really looking forward to it.
18. I talk to myself. A lot. Sometimes in the mirror, other times in empty elevators. I frequently find myself doing it in supermarkets or clothing stores when I'm trying to decide what I'm going to buy. I don't know why I can't just think inside my head like everyone else - why I feel the need to verbalize it is beyond me. When I get caught, it's always moderately embarrassing and I feel the need to explain my behavior.
19. Sometimes I spit - especially after smoking a cigarette. I realize that it's entirely unsightly and mostly unladylike.
20. I don't really smoke, I just sometimes pretend that I do.
21. Until recently, I spent nearly 16 years going almost strictly by the nickname "Moe", a moniker given by one of my sister's old boyfriends when I was 10 or 11.
The nickname always managed, in one manner or another, to pass on and stick wherever I worked or lived. It traveled from where I grew up in Jersey, out to Indianapolis, where I lived for two years, back to Jersey and through all of the political campaigns I worked on for eight years, and even down to DC where I lived and worked for awhile. All this, and I never once introduced myself to anyone as "moe". Somehow, it always managed to work it's way into everyone's conscious.
Over the past three years or so, the nickname I've grown to love has managed to die out, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss it just a little.
22. I keep buying books and I just can't stop. But I kind of don't want to.
23. I miss my best friend something fierce (Rawr)!
24. "Miles Davis Days", as I like to call them, make my heart soar. When steel grey skies open up their tear ducts in a manner so melodic that you can't help but stop for a moment, or an hour and watch. listen. When the raindrops are fat and slow and when they separate tires from pavement like musical velcro, it makes me smile like little else.
25. I've always known but am just now starting to believe and accept the very foundation of my faith; that I am Christ's beloved. To know that my faults and flaws are covered is one thing, but to actually BELIEVE it is another. Unconditional love is the most outrageous and amazing experience ever.
1985, baby!!
Aww...I love you Moe!
I'll be happy to continue using Moe. I rather like it.
keep writing my dear!
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